We're keeping our cars and trucks longer than ever before.
The truck route was established to keep trucks from traveling through downtown Belmont.
"It seems it would be better for air quality to keep trucks moving along, rather than waiting on an emissions line," he said.
Rest areas, to keep vehicles and trucks off the road during fog times, may provide a "safe haven".
More important, it will also keep trucks and other heavy machinery at a distance and thereby avoid the soil compaction that such activities cause.
That will keep trucks away from the entire route.
But dense smoke disabled some firefighters, kept trucks from hauling their gear and grounded aircraft.
"At the rate we keep damaging trucks, they're going to give us an armored car."
It is also keeping trucks and cars away from Lake Vrana, to keep it clean.
Suffolk residents may soon have the power to keep mosquito-spraying trucks and helicopters at a distance except when authorities declare a health emergency.