He didn't count every calorie, but kept a general sense and tried to keep the daily limit of calories to 1,800.
Illinois also kept the limit at 55 m.p.h. for larger trucks, motor homes and trailers.
Even before the oil crisis abated, lifesaving outweighed fuel-saving as a reason to keep the limit.
He'd keep the five-year limit on the books, except for an 18-month moratorium on some cases.
A $171 billion, 10-year farm bill passed by the House last year would keep the current limit, about $550,000 a year, on individual subsidies.
Burning Fossil Fuel The best reason I can think of to keep the limit where it is?
In another appeal to Democrats, Mr. Ney would keep in place the $1,000 limit on individual donations to federal candidates.
Or to give equal time, as it were: 55 is safer than 65 mph, so it is safer to keep the limit at 55.
The city also worked to revise the city's charter, but kept the two-term limit and basic role of the mayor the same.
The House bill keeps the current limit of $50 for gifts or meals.