Since Kharl was on his feet, he merely kept standing.
Janeway kept standing, watching her staff as they took seats.
In fact, it was all I could do to keep standing.
She felt his knees weaken, but he managed to keep standing.
Good work Kirk thought as he struggled to keep standing.
He wanted to lie down and cover his head with his arms, but forced himself to keep standing.
Duke was a bloody mess, barely able to keep standing.
It must have been hell for him to just keep standing.
Abbey crouched low in the bow, but I had to keep standing.
They staggered upon the beach, barely able to keep standing.
They couldn't keep standing here like a couple of zombies.
He kept standing there, twisting his hands, so I looked at him.
How could the house keep standing against that weight of water?
If you don't I'll just keep standing here on your landing.
They kept standing until the matter was decided for them.
He had a much better sense than the boys behind him of what it really took for those men to keep standing under that punishment.
Then suddenly the woman had left, and we all kept standing about, avoiding each other's eyes.
Tommy kept standing there while I turned the thing round.
"Believe me, I've found that if you just keep standing up, most of the time the tent won't fall."
But Leah needs to keep standing on her own two feet.