The guns kept sounding overhead, the bullets smashing down through the foliage.
With these breezes the ship stood off to sea, east by north, having the pinnace ahead, which was ordered to keep sounding without intermission.
The difference is often not even mentioned in textbooks, with the result that the learner may be ignorant about it and keeps sounding foreign.
It just keeps sounding like a step taken by the Republicans to help them.
The General Quarters gong kept sounding through the ship like a racing heartbeat.
But there was something fascinating about an instrument whose notes keep sounding as long as the keys were pressed down.
As September comes closer, the voices in the stands keep sounding as if their secret is getting out.
The horns that we'd taken from the Shadowmasters' cavalry kept sounding recall.
The transporter sounded, and kept sounding, and then half a dozen doors appeared in the walls.
The blasts of brass that began the Verdi overture kept sounding for nearly five seconds after being cut off.