The globule-teacher kept revising its presentation until Lark grasped what he was being shown.
A likely reason that these later works were not published in Clementi's lifetime is that he kept revising them.
He often kept revising his works withholding them from publication.
More than anyone else, Mr. Naipaul encouraged the younger man to be a writer and to keep revising.
He kept reviewing and revising this list regularly.
The city and state kept revising their vision for Times Square, reflecting changing interests and finances.
Scientists constantly keep revising their theses, which means that we too must be open to new ideas.
He kept revising the screenplay, visiting Ireland numerous times to visit small-town pubs and talk to customers about his ideas for the movie.
You keep revising your attitude toward your parents, you know.
Deciding what that level should be is all very contentious, but the trend over the last two decades is for scientists to keep revising it downward.