As the situation worsened, he moved from one cave to another, keeping close relations with the Army.
The primary European concern, however, seems to be to keep relations with Russia on an even keel.
He knew that several of his fellow councillors had favored keeping good relations with Romulus.
After the death of her mother, Leslie Stephen was not able to keep good relations in the family.
It is simply impossible to keep one's friends and relations in a pocketbook as one used to do.
He wanted to keep good relations with the family.
Usually they say that is because they are excavating in Iraq and want to keep good relations with the authorities.
He had been smartly keeping relations with all the housemates to avoid being nominated and was successful for two months.
Unfortunately, there are many countries in the world that do not respect fundamental rights and we have to keep relations with those countries.
He has promised to keep good relations with the United States and chose a former political opponent as his running mate.