And Britain, which has kept its own currency, is not as export-dependent.
Brazil's central bank intervened in currency markets to keep its currency, the real, from going into a free fall.
It allows them to keep their currency undervalued and people employed.
They are still intervening massively to keep their currency from rising.
Central banks were allowed to set monetary policy based on their instincts rather than on the need to keep their currency in line with gold.
It does it in broad daylight in order to keep its currency at the targeted rate.
It is also believed that they kept their own currency for economic transactions, which was widely accepted in the rest of the country.
If those purchases accelerate, the Chinese government will have to buy additional Treasuries to keep its currency from rising even further.
However, keeping our own currency is only part of the answer.
Still, some governments strive to keep their currency within a narrow range.