We drove all night, changed horses at Prospect, and kept on all the next day.
I mean simpler ones too, like a historic house kept open beyond regular hours on just the day your tour bus arrives late.
So although many of the world's fastest women drivers had qualified for the series, finances kept most of them away on the inaugural day.
This fast is kept on the third day of the dark half of Aug-Sep.
Black Pearl kept the secret until their next session on the following day.
We sometimes kept our Wellingtons on the whole day, leaving trails of mud and damp through the rooms.
I said: "Yes; we keep both our birthdays on the same day."
His memorial is kept on the day of his execution, 24 July.
But it is the way of newspapers to keep publishing on the appointed day whatever the circumstances.
That should keep him out of danger on the fateful day.