He warned parents to continue to keep a close eye on their children until the rapist is caught.
Many parents feel they need to keep a closer eye on their children because of concerns about crime, school violence, child abduction and abuse.
Keeping a close eye on their children is a time-demanding job.
But it is important for parents to be aware and keep an eye on their children.
Eventually, the lights went down, but only part way, so parents could keep an eye on their children and retrieve them when they crawled too far.
Most parents incorporate only a few, thinking they can keep an eye on their children.
Around the nation, many parents say they have grown accustomed to the easy means of keeping tabs on their children.
They say, oh, it's for parents to keep an eye on their children and the way they're using the computer.
Retired employees of the family lived in the house, and kept an eye on the family's children who used it as a playhouse.
It is easy to imagine that parents under pressure have less time and inclination to keep an eye on their children.