In addition Carr became familiar with songs of the period that were used to keep morale up through this desperate time.
I'm going only so that the people here can keep their hopes and morale up.
For many, it is an issue of preserving the company's culture and keeping morale high.
"The biggest challenge is we're constantly battling to keep morale pumped up."
I was trying to fix the business and keep morale up.
Help to keep morale high by showing your support.
The women who successfully graduated from training had to find ways to entertain themselves to keep morale up.
When establishing colonies on alien worlds, players have to take care of them as they would any other city and keep morale up.
And I'm looking for somebody who will do a couple of things: one, enforce the law; two, keep morale high at the agency.
"It's tough to keep morale going during something like that," he said.