"But they can't stop him because he keeps mixing in intelligence."
Keep mixing like this until you have a soft dough.
With fans relegated to cheering Woods's and Mickelson's bogeys, Funk kept mixing in the odd birdies to go along with his pars and bogeys.
Cardif was repeatedly irritated that Bell's curiosity kept mixing into his private affairs.
They would remain all Christmas music until the middle of December 26 or later and would keep mixing in Christmas music until New Year's Day.
"They used a back, a tight end, and kept mixing it," Dent said about the players Washington tried to block him with.
I started to feel that my choices were wrong, but she kept mixing until suddenly I smiled.
"I keep mixing characters," he continued.
Twain keeps mixing genres too.
The best case ecologically would see a dry, windy spring and summer that would keep mixing the water and so replenish its oxygen.