Soil and pollen samples are being kept in the hope that advances in science can one day make the information more specific.
All have attempted to keep their past a secret, in the hope that as the years pass memories will fade.
Detectives on the team are likely to push the Met to keep it together in the hope that evidence will emerge against the three other suspects.
Whether this was personal inclination or because Henry preferred to keep her nearby in the hope she'd conceive, is unknown.
So I have decided to keep it for a while longer in the hope that it will become retro chic.
In real life, she kept the boards in the hope that she would find a way to use them again.
While going to work, he kept writing his own script, in the hope that one day it would turn into his first feature.
So he kept quiet, in the hope that Horn would be content with centre stage long enough to talk himself out and leave.
"We will keep these aboard our ship forever in the hope of returning to Lorca."
He'd decided to keep a journal in the hope that this might help.