Stop the piggybank, do not allow money to be spent on agencies that do not follow the constitution or keep America from jobs and using our resources.
And many women find that jealous men, threatened by their move toward independence, will do all they can to keep them from classes or jobs.
The Rabin Government has since sealed the borders with the territories, keeping more than 50,000 Palestinian laborers from jobs in Israel.
School hours keep Bitrans from other jobs which earn their Holder more marks.
"But there are problems that keep people from jobs."
To ease some of them, he will loosen the blockade that has kept Palestinians from jobs in Israel.
A10 Gazans, kept from jobs in Israel, denounce group punishment.
When bombs go off, Israel retaliates by sealing off the territory and keeping laborers from needed jobs.
For as long as the Communist Party remained in power, she was kept from good jobs and socially shunned.
But for President Fox, a tighter border that keeps Mexicans from desperately needed jobs is not necessarily in his interest.