My God, why do we keep electing these fools?
And yet, we keep electing the same idiots.
Just elect the candidates of your choice president and keep electing them.
But the city kept electing the party until the late 1990s, when it was shut down by the state establishment for straying from secularism.
It's time for real change, and it won't happen if we keep electing the same bozos over and over again.
Why else would we keep electing them?
It grew, he said, from an argument with union workers in one of his plants, when he denounced the "dummies" they keep electing to Washington.
But these victims are concentrated in blue states, the very places that keep electing senators who denounce "tax cuts for the rich."
As he says, "Since you can't escape death and taxes, people keep electing me because it makes sense to have one man handle both."