When the painter was there, the pocket doors in the library kept opening and closing.
His eyes kept closing, no matter how hard he tried to keep awake.
The ladder kept opening and closing, creating changing shapes in space.
I could barely see it, my eyes kept closing, and I was sick again.
Standing just behind the old man, her husband, her mouth kept opening and closing, as though she was about to faint.
Though he had much to think about, his eyes kept closing of themselves.
They simply didn't know the reason for why these things kept opening and closing.
She had languid, dark eyes, which she kept closing, as the men talked.
His mouth kept opening and closing, but I could not hear a sound.
His mouth kept opening and closing, but no sound came out.
She kept her voice low as the door closed behind them.
Harry shut his eyes, but he could not keep them closed.
Her eyes were still vulnerable, so she was forced to keep them closed.
How long can we, in good conscience, keep those doors closed?
As they failed to cover their costs, it was decided to keep them open after the rest of the Festival closed.
My open mouth had sent me floating down the side of a building; when would I learn to keep it closed?
It will cost $1 million to keep the campus secure while closed.
They put coins on the eyelids of dead people to keep them closed.
These were hand operated with an electric lock to keep them closed.
Probably some trick to keep him complacent while they closed in.