During this period the closing credits included the words "Keep circulating the tapes!"
And that rumor keeps circulating, thanks to the Internet.
If he could keep circulating... He pulled up.
As yet, cold was no more than a nip in the air Chives kept circulating by a creaky hand-cranked fan.
Local currencies also have the benefit that they cannot be spent abroad, and thus the money always keeps circulating locally, benefiting only the local economy.
And sometimes the cars keep circulating at the consumer level.
Doctor Crobe kept circulating, telling each one to think deeper about any husband troubles.
The petition kept circulating, this time as a hoax, long after the threat to public radio and television had disappeared.
After the prohibition of the Communist Party in 1921, the journal kept circulating in a semi-illegal position.
It didn't, somehow, seem like a good time to reenter the party and keep circulating.