The new standards also require that schools keep their dropout rates below 10 percent for 7th through 12th grades.
Much of the decline seems driven by the country's economic expansion, which has kept the unemployment rate below 6 percent for 28 consecutive months.
The biggest reason for that stance has been the fear of higher inflation, which the central bank wants to keep below 2 percent a year.
Through most of the early 1980's it had been kept well below 20 percent.
That is expected to keep inflation below 2 percent this year.
We try to keep the fat content below 30 percent of the calories per week.
The administration predicted the "stimulus" would keep unemployment below 8 percent.
Social traditions have kept the smoking rate among women in many Asian countries below 10 percent.
Supporters of a flat tax say they could keep the rate on individuals below 20 percent.
The Government has said it wants to keep inflation below 4 percent.