More men, cradling crossbows, kept watch atop the two gate towers.
To keep atop the market, Perrier has given itself a limited budget - just $10 million in print and outdoor advertising over three years.
Nick Price (71) will need to pick up the pace if he is to keep his position atop the money list.
Since that day, the small keep atop its stony height had been swallowed by the forest.
He ran on, his light steps keeping him atop the snow pack.
Mac kept a hand atop it so it wouldn't fly open.
The real watch were keeping a fire burning atop the wall.
The victory kept North Carolina State, 17-5 over all, atop the conference with an 8-2 record.
They kept him prisoner atop a tower of sandstone five hundred feet high and falling sheer on every side.
The victory raised the Giants' record to 4-0 and kept them atop their division.