He was a keen hunter and steadfast companion who had received his training from Daryth.
He was also a keen hunter and owned several successful racehorses.
He was a keen hunter and fisherman, and died in 1913 on a hunting trip in Massachusetts.
A keen hunter, he was fascinated by the early African explorers.
"No doubt the aqabe tsentsen will wish to remain on board during the trial, scrutinizing every step of the operation with his keen hunter's eye."
The attitude of the man in front of him was that of the keen hunter, stalking his prey.
He was known for his thunderous voice; was a keen hunter, and a well known gourmet.
A keen hunter, he established them as deer-hunting grounds.
Donne was an extremely keen hunter and recreational fisherman.
William Rufus, also a keen hunter, increased the severity of the penalties for various offences to include death and mutilation.