A realistic opportunity for release would provide rehabilitation and incentives for juvenile inmates to change their behavior.
At the prison, juvenile inmates are kept separate from the adult population, but attend education classes together.
But experts say that as the number of juvenile inmates grows, so does the tension between the agency and state authorities.
Soon after, Bollea was moved to join three other juvenile inmates.
It has been used by the city of New York as a prison, but has also temporarily held juvenile inmates.
On July 13, three or four replacement supervisors were taken hostage in a roomful of juvenile inmates demanding their freedom.
Over the course of 2008 and 2009, all remaining juvenile inmates were transferred from Lancaster Farms to other prisons.
The juvenile inmates are all played by adults, and their quirks are expressed in the magnified body language of which Bourne is a master.
Most federal juvenile inmates were from Arizona, Montana, and South Dakota.
It costs the state about $75,000 a year to provide for a juvenile inmate, compared with $25,000 for an adult in a state prison.