Now, we all sometimes speak with less than complete care, and we are justly criticized when we make mistakes.
Some models have been justly criticized for marginal quality, or being a bad match to the local driving environment.
The Romans have been justly criticized by military historians for their lack of a competent cavalry arm.
At the time, the film was justly criticized for underplaying the role of African-Americans in the struggle, but its larger, philosophical transgression went largely unnoticed.
The initial response of the Bush Administration was justly criticized as timid by many establishmentarians and a few have gone so far as to declare the cold war over.
Certain proceedings and pronouncements of the English administration have been justly criticized.
Experience was not gained quickly, and many constructivist buildings were justly criticized for irrational floorplans, cost overruns and low quality.
Grade: B+ The Ex-Soviet Republics: Criticized justly for not being fast enough to aid democracy and capitalism in the new states.
He has been justly criticized for failing to explain to Israeli voters (or even members of his own Likud Party) his decision to leave Gaza.
As the British psychiatrist Simon Wessely has put it: "Generals are justly criticized for fighting the last war, not the present one.