However, the justices ultimately concluded that MacPherson was entitled to qualified immunity from Bryan's law suit, as this principle hadn't been established in 2005 when the incident occurred.
It would "commit state and federal courts to a new, permanent and intrusive role" of overseeing internal communications in government workplaces, the justice concluded.
Instead, the justices unanimously and correctly concluded that the economic and environmental effects of this project could not have been assessed because the Riverhead Town Board ignored significant impacts.
The justice concluded with specific proposals that embraced many of the ideas raised by Mr. Yeltsin.
Justice Thompson concurred, but Lewis and the other justice concluded that the same English authorities required they affirm the conviction.
At this time, the justices conclude their review of the cases and the draft opinions receive final approval.
The justice then concluded that the prosecution should turn over four more tapes as being possibly exculpatory.
Four justices concluded that a statement's falsity is not enough, by itself, to exclude speech from First Amendment protection.
All justices but Thomas concluded that this search violated the Fourth Amendment.
Some justices might conclude, as Justice Stephen G. Breyer indicated at the argument, that the case has been overtaken by events.