Ms. Carlson was a grand jury witness in connection with the $350,000 loan.
Even as a grand jury witness and supposed victim, he said, he has been given no details.
B3 The slaying of a grand jury witness last year resulted in the conviction of three young men.
He added, "Every grand jury witness wasn't asked all of the questions there are to be asked."
Q: I'm going to talk briefly about your rights and responsibilities as a grand jury witness.
Ordinarily, grand jury witnesses are not permitted to have their lawyers in the room.
They include (but, as we shall see, are not limited to): * Grand jury witnesses themselves.
A grand jury witness has a right to confer with counsel.
One grand jury witness was reported to have been so intimidated that he moved away.
The President is expected to face detailed questions on those allegations based on testimony from dozens of grand jury witnesses, said the lawyers.