The jury has spoken and we must accept and respect its verdict.
Until that time, he walked the streets a free man, as if the jury had not spoken.
None of that is likely to disappear just because a jury has spoken, and far from the scene where this awful incident unfolded.
"I wish I could tell you we won, but the jury has spoken," he said.
He was visibly upset when he heard the verdict and said: "The jury has spoken.
And people get up and say, 'Well, the jury has spoken.'
"When the jury speaks, it is my earnest hope that people will accept this verdict," she said.
As he passed out, the jury, who had turned back and paused a moment, spoke, through their foreman.
"The jury has spoken, and we accept the verdict," he said.
In legal terms, the jury has spoken in the Libby case.