When testimony is not relevant to one case, its jury will leave.
Two bunches of roses from the dead girl's parents, were placed at the scene after the jury left.
The jury never left the box, but instead conferred together and found Thornton not guilty in six minutes.
The inference here is slick, the jury left to wonder if Tony did not remove the note himself, once he reported to the scene.
The forewoman halted the reading, and the jury left the courtroom.
Due to some complications of his case, the jury left the verdict to the twelve judges.
"It's interesting that they saw it so differently this time," she told the lawyers after the jury left.
The jury, which consists of eight women and four men, left for a weekend break on Friday afternoon without reaching a verdict.
After the jury left the room, Judge Millette said he agreed.
The jury has barely left the courtroom on Gorbachev, let alone come back with a verdict.