The jury adjourned at 10 P.M.
Although the grand jury had adjourned without handing up any indictments, Mr. Biaggi's mayoral candidacy died.
The grand jury adjourned without handing up any indictments.
After five hours of deliberation the jury adjourned until Friday morning.
The jury adjourned for the day at 6 P.M.
The jury adjourned about 8:30 p.m. after deliberating about six hours.
The jury in the retrial of former police officer Charles Schwarz adjourned after its first day of deliberations yesterday without a verdict.
The grand jury adjourned at nine.
After both sides have presented their cases and made closing arguments, the judge gives the jury legal instructions; the jury then adjourns to deliberate in private.
The judge then dismissed the jury and the lawyers and judge adjourned to an anteroom.