Across the North, local juries acquitted men accused of violating the law.
Local juries acquitted all those accused in those attacks.
A grand jury has accused the brother of a murder defendant of offering a juror $1,800 in March to vote for his brother's acquittal.
The other grand jury accused them of changing arrest records to conceal the fact that many of the drivers they stopped were black.
A grand jury accused him of filing a tax return for 1999 that failed to report a $12.5 million bonus he received from Tyco.
A grand jury has accused him and three others of corruption.
The grand jury also accused her of altering a judge's order in an eviction case.
But the city stopped doing business with the firm when a grand jury accused Vanguard of undercutting competition.
The grand jury, while blaming the system, did not accuse any official of wrongdoing.
Similar to a grand jury, a coroner's jury merely accused, it did not convict.