The lake falls within the jurisdiction of the municipality of Gheorgheni.
The village became part of the jurisdiction of the municipality of Villanueva within the Government of Santa Marta.
The volcano and the island is within the jurisdiction of the municipality of Calayan, in the province of Cagayan.
One third of the area falls under the jurisdiction of the municipality of Livno while the remaining two-thirds belongs to the municipality of Tomislavgrad.
The jurisdiction of the municipality included Balepet, Manavarthpet and Halsurpet.
Malapascua Island is part of the jurisdiction of the municipality of Daanbantayan.
At that time, the area that is presently under the political jurisdiction of the municipality was sparsely populated.
Apo Island is part of the jurisdiction of the municipality of Dauin.
The island is under the jurisdiction of the municipality of Dauin, Negros Oriental, and is one of the municipality's 23 barangays.
Although part of the Calaguas group, the island is under the jurisdiction of the municipality of Paracale, Camarines Norte.