The case, Lopez v. Monterey County, No. 97-1396, applied to the obligation of jurisdictions covered by the law to seek advance permission - "preclearance" - from the Justice Department or the Federal District Court here before making a change that affects voting.
This reorganization consolidated the jurisdiction previously covered by 3 full committees and 14 subcommittees, and resulted in a 50 percent cut in staff.
Each judicial panel has the jurisdiction covered by a United States court of appeals.
The High Court has the superintendence and visitorial jurisdiction over all courts and tribunals of inferior jurisdiction covered under its territorial jurisdiction.
For these purposes, the Gamelan Council views the Asia-Pacific region quite broadly in line with APEC; the jurisdictions covered are claimed to account for approximately 65% of the world's population.
And of course with the ever widening of the number of jurisdictions covered by the Internet, the AUP document needs to indicate the jurisdiction, meaning the laws that are applicable and govern the use of an AUP.
Justice O'Connor said the department's policy made it more difficult than Congress intended for jurisdictions covered by Section 5 to receive preclearance.
It is currently enacted primarily as section 3113 of Title 40 of the United States Code (2006; section 257 of the 1994 version), with some provisions related to venues and jurisdiction now covered under Title 28 (sections 1358 and 1403).
Madam President, I am amazed that an honourable Member should describe euthanasia as a matter for national criminal jurisdiction covered by subsidiarity.
Some of the jurisdictions covered by Section 5 now want to be released from this form of federal receivership.