Many experts believe the junk bond market may be hard hit today.
This helped to create the conditions that gave rise to the "junk bond" market.
Soon after she made her investment, the junk bond market collapsed.
The junk bond market has come under heavy selling pressure in recent months.
"I don't think the bank lines of credit are open and that the junk bond market is big enough," he said.
The figure is about 2 percent of the entire junk bond market.
Now, the junk bond market will not support such deals.
The $150 billion junk bond market saw none of the drop that some had expected.
"I don't think there is a significant general risk in the junk bond market," she said.
The king is long gone, but the junk bond market has never looked more robust.
Many experts believe the junk bond market may be hard hit today.
This helped to create the conditions that gave rise to the "junk bond" market.
Soon after she made her investment, the junk bond market collapsed.
The junk bond market has come under heavy selling pressure in recent months.
"I don't think the bank lines of credit are open and that the junk bond market is big enough," he said.
The figure is about 2 percent of the entire junk bond market.
Now, the junk bond market will not support such deals.
The $150 billion junk bond market saw none of the drop that some had expected.
"I don't think there is a significant general risk in the junk bond market," she said.
The king is long gone, but the junk bond market has never looked more robust.