Megan Young of Jacksonville, Fla., ended her career as a junior rider with her second victory in a major competition.
Born in Wolverhampton, West Midlands, UK, Tennant began to make his mark on the cycling world as a junior rider.
Stephens was successful as a junior rider, winning the Junior Tour of Wales in both 1987 and 1988, one of only two riders to win the race twice.
This year they worked so well together that Diplomacy was the show's champion large junior hunter (meaning a large hunter ridden by a junior rider).
Danny Fisher, a junior rider and friend of Stuart, follows him.
He had received financial support from Redcar and Cleveland Young People's Trust as a junior rider.
It has since been suggested by fellow pro-rider Jérôme Pineau that Riccò openly doped even as a junior rider.
The morning events feature junior riders in six hunter classes, a children's pair event, and children's team event.
He dabbled in road, mountain biking, cyclo-cross and track cycling as a youngster and began concentrating on the track as a junior rider.
This was a remarkable accomplishment, because he only was a junior rider at that moment, riding faster races than Sven Kramer did at the same age.