He pressed on westwards through the woods, using a jungle track; he could not have got through the undergrowth.
At the same time the 2/24th set out from Palanko in search of jungle tracks towards the river.
Meg drove the jeep down the jungle track toward the clearing.
The jungle track opened out into a narrow, but paved, road.
The Crush Rush - In the first round, the teams must run down a jungle track with a giant boulder chasing them.
A jungle track is a jolting roller coaster that rhythmically combines flow and disruption.
This is a high difficulty grade trek due to the misleading jungle tracks and the necessity and knowledge of using climbing equipment.
During the New Guinea campaign the gun was manhandled up steep jungle tracks where trucks could not operate.
It could be only penetrated only by a jungle track in the east side and a pathway on the west side.
If people intend to climb up the hill, a jungle track is provided to guide them until at the middle level of the hill.