(Given the Muslim ban on alcohol, no one could soothe jumpy nerves with a drink.)
Or did his jumpy nerves make him imagine that, wondered Dard.
Picard took a sharp breath, thinking that he had better control his jumpy nerves if he was going to finish this job.
She massaged the jumpy nerve at her temple.
As I was going down the walk, my nerves all frazzled and jumpy, I noticed a man out front peering under the hood of his car.
Mr. Daniel writes in a rough, unorthodox style that is all quivering muscle and jumpy nerves.
The doctor told him there was nothing wrong with him except jumpy nerves.
Still, as she emerged beneath the lid of the overcast sky, a jumpy nerve tried to pluck at her lips.
Lillian, with her sharp tongue, would get on his jumpy nerves, hectoring him to do this, do that, pick up your clothes.
He started to whistle, as much for solace to his jumpy nerves as to warn any unsuspecting newcomers that they weren't alone.