We are jumping blindly through hoops, not knowing where we'll end up or when it will ever stop.
For the time being he resisted the impulse to jump blindly with Pucky into the interior of the planet.
The entrepeneurs are not jumping blindly into the troubled industry.
And so the party jumped blindly from room to room, passing ever deeper into the depths of the Last Standing.
He jumped blindly into the unknown in order to get away from the Druuf.
Rabin jumped blindly, Spock pulled, and the two of them went sprawling.
Maybe it was smarter to find Him before jumping blindly into eternity like a fool without a parachute.
"If anyone thinks I am just going to jump blindly into those clouds."
Her thoughts, though, jumped blindly to the elms with their high-reaching branches.
As the guards cried out in sudden shock, the bardling jumped blindly into space.