They like juicy fruit to eat as well as people, and they are hungry.
Then he ate some of the more juicy fruits, for he also needed liquid from which to generate his steam.
Then she turned her efforts toward the main object, namely the large but juicy fruit of love, which lay, waiting to be devoured.
Well-irrigated farms produce plump, juicy fruit and vegetables throughout the year.
Why not learn how to paint or photograph the perfect flower, the juiciest fruit and veg?
He inserted the pene-prong into the small, juicy fruit and lifted it, whole, to his lips.
In fact, beside those open ponds one could even have orchards with sweet, juicy fruit for the picking.
The result: a short crop of less than fat, juicy fruit.
But as he bit into that third apple he came onto something more than juicy fruit.
A knobby, juicy fruit he had found on a bush two days ago.