"Say, that's pretty good," said his father, casting a judicious eye on the profferred artwork.
"Fuller has the right idea," said Morey, looking at Fuller with a judicious eye.
You seem to have judicious eye.
The terrible thing is," said Helen, casting a judicious eye on Cora.
Felessan was casting a judicious eye over the gold egg.
"Pick me a horse," Coker begged, and Nate ran his judicious eye over the lot.
And now he had the advantage of his uncle's judicious, practiced eye to aid him in his examination.
Sorgrad watched the enchanter's final torments with a judicious eye.
Braddock looked better after his first sip of the liquor and was casting a judicious eye on the furs that covered the walls and floor.
He opened his paper to the financial section and cast a judicious eye at the closing stock quotations.