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It was not the construction of a statutory term, but a judicially imposed limit on discretion.
He said he knew of no precedent for a judicially imposed increase in income taxes to pay a school district's expenses.
McNamara refused to intervene in the dispute, saying that "a judicially imposed resolution would be an improvident intrusion into the internal workings of a co-equal branch of government", and he urged the senators to solve the problem by negotiation.
Conservatives have also long emphasized the importance of deferring to local school officials, a reaction in part to judicially imposed busing programs.
So, challenging the judicially imposed regime of abortion-on-demand is key to a conservative reformation in politics, in morals, and in beliefs.
The Bush administration argues that since Mr. Hamdi was captured on an Afghan battlefield, there is no need for a judicially imposed fact-finding process.
It simply would place some reasonable limits on the exercise of that right and end the present charade in which many death-row prisoners have evaded imposition of their judicially imposed punishment for up to a dozen years or more.
He is also contending with a judicially imposed state law requiring wealthy school districts to send some of their tax money to poorer ones, widely nicknamed the "Robin Hood" law.
The bombshell dropped by the prosecutor in the William Kennedy Smith case raises disturbing questions about whether judicially imposed gag orders, which are designed to preserve fair trials, actually undercut them.