New York will become one of only two states where marriage equality has been accomplished by legislative action, not judicial fiat.
Whether Microsoft's operating system monopoly would end would then be decided by market choice, not judicial fiat.
The Court should tell the agents they can maintain their tradition of discretion without seeking special privilege through judicial fiat.
Dahl feels that the judiciary has used its rather unconstrained authority to essentially make national policy through judicial fiat.
"That change must come from democratic processes, however, not by judicial fiat."
The emphasis on individual autonomy lies at the heart of this judicial fiat.
People do not want this court by judicial fiat to be able to perpetuate itself.
Such a view, he said, would create a government by judicial fiat, instead of a constitutional system.
It is not fair to change the election laws of Florida by judicial fiat after the election has been held.
Those menacing words - usurpation, judicial fiat - recalled a dark episode in our recent history.