Last month, a second judge withdrew from the case because of a similar conflict of interest.
A 1974 law says judges must withdraw if they, their spouses or minor children have a financial stake, "however small," in a case.
After ending their term, most judges withdraw themselves from public life.
The move was widely acclaimed, but the judge withdrew after undergoing heart surgery and facing a long recuperation.
The judge then withdrew his decision after prosecutors asked for another chance to show why his statement was admissible.
An earlier judge withdrew, charging that security agents in the courtroom were trying to intimidate him.
At the conclusion of Collins' submissions, the judges withdrew.
The Paraguayan judges took the hint and withdrew entirely from the case.
Faced with the hint of an embarrassing motion that he be disqualified, the judge voluntarily withdrew from the case.
But that order expired today when the judge withdrew, leaving the cuts in place.