The judge voided the death sentence and ordered a new sentencing hearing.
The judge ruled Stabler released from his contract and voided any debt to him by the then-struggling Americans franchise.
The judge had voided the jury's guilty verdicts.
A judge has voided two contracts between the City Department of Education and private building maintenance companies that serve more than 200 public schools, dealing a setback to the city's effort to expand school privatization.
The judge voided those verdicts.
The judge then voided his ruling.
Under the bill approved by the Judiciary Committee, a federal judge could void agreements that limit the production of generic drugs.
The Court ruled that judges may imply terms into a contract based on the past dealings of the parties rather than void the agreement.
Ironical a judge later voided the contempt of court charge because he felt as a woman she did not fully comprehend the consequences of ignoring the court.
The trustees of the Jersey City Public Library plan to hire as consultants a private company that was scheduled to manage the library before a judge voided the management contract.