However at a very early stage the Tornado was judged unsuitable due to its weight and other problems.
However, the Witch was judged unsuitable for service due to structural weaknesses, including a number of failures of the landing gear struts and other components.
They seemed rolled of the stems and sticks judged unsuitable for anything but export.
Those judged unsuitable for a pilot commission, but show other attributes may be offered the chance to qualify as navigators and weapons officers.
He was eventually judged unsuitable, and was replaced with a German just before the division went into combat.
Judged unsuitable for return to active sea service, Cameron was eventually refloated on 23 February 1941 and allocated for use as a hulk.
Soon after she arrived at Philadelphia in June 1780 she was judged unsuitable for navigation, and sold.
He had just finished watching a tape segment that CNN had judged unsuitable for its regular news broadcast.
In 1978 a massive earthquake shook Thessaloniki, after which the building was judged unsuitable to house a school.
Could a campaign go ahead and air a commercial judged unsuitable?