The three judges spent nearly two months in court, awaiting a verdict from the jury.
Very odd, that, since judges and ambassadors spend so much of their lives writing.
We judges don't spend our time worrying about that trust because we're interested in those two poor Hawaiians.
The three judges spent about ten seconds looking at Todd's project.
The exasperated judge and his law assistants spent a long night going through prosecutors' files.
The judge spent about an hour questioning both sides.
Among their complaints were that the judges did not hold court often enough and spent too much time absent from the territory.
"These judges spent over six months" before the February decision "reviewing the case history as well as my book," he said.
After a break, the judge then deferred opening arguments until Tuesday morning and spent the afternoon ruling on procedural questions.
"But dontcha try that with the judge or you'll be spending the rest of the year making little ones out of big ones."