Scott, Zainal and the judge regarded her with surprise.
In a 1984 speech, he said a judge should regard it as "nothing more than a water blot on the document before him."
If judges and juries regard such trespass as trivial in the extreme, who are we to argue?
The sentence for unlawful gun possession can range from no jail term, if the judge regards incarceration as unduly harsh, to one to seven years.
The judge regarded him as one might view a man with a pumpkin for a head.
The prize was for what the judges regarded as as the best museum project of 2010.
However, the judge regarded this as an "unsubstantiated allegation".
The judges regarded the proposal as the latest in a series of efforts to undermine their independence.
Many lawyers and judges regard it as an overreaction that tramples individual rights and could change the outcome of a trial.
The judge regarded the barrister's remarks as 'grossly improper,' and 'outrageous.'