Undercover judges placed among the protesters turned a peaceful protest march into a violent riot, giving Dredd the excuse he needed to attack the march with riot squads and make mass arrests.
Both garnered two perfect marks of 6.0 for Presentation, but Kwan had the edge on the technical scores and won by a final tally of 6 judges to 3 (6 judges placed Michelle Kwan ahead of Chen; three placed Chen ahead of Kwan).
The 1947 Constitution established a new Supreme Court as the highest level of the judicial system, with the appellate and trial-level judges placed in the new Superior Court.
The competition was assessed by a ground jury composed of five judges placed at locations designated E, H, C, M, and B. Each judge rated the competitors' performances with a percentage score.
The three Norwegian judges placed Henie first, while the German and Austrian judges placed Szabo first.
She also displayed a feathery elegance that elicited two perfect marks of 6 for artistry, and when the votes were cast, six of nine judges placed Kwan first.
The panel was particularly critical of judges who, it said, frequently placed children in foster care even when the city child welfare officials failed to provide sufficient evidence of abuse and neglect.