Over the years I have seen lawyers and judges meet many challenging pressures.
The judge met him outside of the club at ten minutes before midnight, and was with him until three in the morning.
Before the hearing began, the judge and the lawyers met in the hallway working out last-minute details.
After declaring the mistrial yesterday, the judge met with the jurors.
Instead of meeting every 3 weeks, the judges will now meet 12 times a year.
The ruling will not be made final until the judge meets with the various parties to the litigation on March 30.
Later, the judge met privately in his office with the boy.
The judges have chambers throughout the circuit and meet only rarely.
The court noted that the judge and his advisers met with asbestos plaintiffs' lawyers for 325 hours over several years.
"For a judge and juror to meet with one side before the proceedings begin is not a fair way to go."