In Rome in 1960, half the judges and referees were dismissed.
Last week, he noted, four judges were dismissed because they had served as judges in the former government's special security court for political prisoners.
But when eight judges were dismissed this week, the assembly took pains to say that it had not made the decision unilaterally.
When the trial resumed, the judge was satisfied that the prosecution had made its case and dismissed Martin's version of events.
After such a resolution is approved the judge is dismissed by the President.
A judge can be dismissed only by a unanimous vote of other members of the Court.
As a result, both the judge and the governor were dismissed.
A further 134 judges from Lima and Callao were dismissed on April 23.
As a result, the judges and four of the officials were dismissed.
In 2005 alone the judicial disciplinary council reviewed cases against 99 judges, about 40% of the judiciary, and 12 judges were dismissed.