Guards closed in around the condemned, and judges and jury filed into the Hold.
The judge is reading along with you and filing your arguments as fast as you can access them from the net.
The judge, who is black and faces possible impeachment, has filed a report in Congress saying the disciplinary procedure used against him is biased.
The judges were standing up, were filing out of the room.
He stood up, holding Baby Fuzzy, while the three judges filed in and took their seats.
He and some other judges filed their individual views, taking different positions on various proposals.
The judge recently filed for divorce, drawing tabloid headlines.
Swedish fans booed loudly as the judges filed out of the arena.
Indeed, some judges have filed lawsuits to challenge the lack of adjustments to their salaries.
The judge also filed a $6.8 million suit against the Heralds insurance company, claiming that the libel case should have been settled.