After a years deliberation, the two judges conceded that there was strong evidence the two players were exchanging hand signals.
The judge conceded that these rulings could have dire effects.
But under questioning from some Assembly members yesterday, the judge conceded that he thought "obviously it would be better if everyone was trained in the law."
"It's contrary to human nature for me to tell you these things and for you to do them," the judge conceded.
This is the only crime for which the judges concede there is sufficient evidence.
There's no reason in the world I shouldn't have decided the Brown case," conceded the judge, adding: "This is a busy court.
The younger judge conceded the case had problems.
The judges conceded, though, that home security devices would not have saved Judge Vance's life.
In summing up the judge conceded that the offending started before the act came into force and Atkinson had co-operated with the authorities.