The judge has banned out-of-court comments because of continuing litigation, so none of the prosecutors, defense lawyers or jurors made any statement.
For example: *Liberal judges have banned the posting of even the Ten Commandments in our public schools.
How come everyone is tweeting that the judge has banned tweeting from the hearing?
As expected the judge has banned Twitter reporting from the court.
The judge should have banned him for life from these shows.
A judge banned all filming but this ruling was overturned by an injunction.
Eventually, the judge banned the media as he summoned high-ranking officials to testify.
They fault Judge Ito for allowing it in the first place and predict he and other judges will ban it in the future.
A federal judge in Idaho, granting a request from timber companies, has banned enforcement of the rule in a decision that is now being appealed.
The judge banned him from driving for three years and fined him £20.