In six of these cases, according to the report, the judge attended one of the seminars while the case was pending before the court.
Some judges have never attended law school.
While the judge was attending Yale Law School, she supported her family with two minimum-wage jobs.
Over 800 probation officers, judges, prosecutors, defense counsel, academics, and other criminal justice community participants attended this premier sentencing event.
To help better quantify what is a qualitative decision, judges have been attending what they call "presentation school."
Seventeen judges from the Lahore High court also attended.
More than 400 federal judges, U.S. probation officers, and attorneys attended.
The notion that judges should not attend private seminars unless they have been vetted and approved by a government board is a bad idea.
The family, virtually penniless, moved to Chicago, where the future judge attended public schools.
No judge, or even clerk, attends, as in criminal cases.